Tmux Technics

My notes on how to use tmux!

(Prefix) + ? – Tmux Help
(Prefix) + z – Zoom terminal
(Prefix) + c – Create new windows
(Prefix) + 0 – Goto windows #0
(Prefix) + 1 – Goto windows #1
(Prefix) + s – send pane to windows number
(Prefix) + j – join pane to windows number
(Prefix) + [ – enter VI edit mode, page up page down, seach by use ? space bar to copy mode
(Prefix) + ] – paste
(Prefix) + Alt + Shift + P – Save pane to log file
(Prefix) + % – Vertical
(Prefix) + ” – Horizontal
(Prefix) + t – time

Create new Tmux session:
tmux new -s [Name]

List current Tmux session:
tmux ls

Attact to Tmux session:
tmux attach -t [Name]

Tmux configuration file:

Mouse support:
Ctrl+b + :
set -g mouse on